Daily Focus Planner

The Daily Focus Schedule is here and if you want a pdf version with complete instructions, a blank one to use and a sample of it filled out as a reference you can have it for free.

Working in real estate has some great advantages. Unlimited income and flexible hours are a couple of them. Being your own boss is another. It’s not just real estate that allows that either. Any business or side hustle you can work from home has these benefits.

They also have some challenges.

No guarantee of income and flexible hours. Having an jerk for a boss (you), no paid vacation, no paid holidays, just to name a few. Just like there is no ceiling on your income, there is no floor.

No one tells you this before you get into business and how you spend your time usually determines the difference between no ceiling and no floor. Not having a boss can be liberating but can also be fearful. I think the most frightening word in the English language is ‘Freedom’.

If you don’t impose some structure into your day, no one else will either

Just sign up below and you get the planner immediately to get started and it will give you some structure that works.

We’ll stay in touch and you can unsubscribe anytime and know we will not share your info with anyone unless they are at the door with a warrant, handcuffs and a gun. That’s a promise and our “privacy policy”.