This is hard

I’ve read some real heartbreak stories from agents this week. Multiple deals falling out all at once, appraisals coming in low, no business in the pipeline. Some of these folks I get to encourage one on one and I do but most I just get to watch the struggle and it’s painful.

To those who need it, stay on task. Don’t let temporary setbacks make permanent decisions for you. This is a tough business sometimes but it’s a good one to be in, always. You get to make a difference, to make decisions for yourself and it all has to come back to your ‘big why’ when it gets tough.

I used to struggle with my big why. I have enough stuff. I don’t need a new car or a new house. I don’t need a trip around the world. Money is not a scorecard for me. Now, don’t misunderstand. I like food with my meals and to eat and sleep indoors is very important to my wife.

Sometimes your big why is not a why at all. It can be a who. It’s resources to do things important to your kids, your spouse, your parents and the list goes on. It’s freedom to do the right thing at the right time. It’s choices and that is why I do what I do when it gets hard.

If you’re struggling know it can be part of the journey to success. Don’t think of it as failure. It’s not a failure if you learn something. Learn the lesson and move on. Don’t dwell on the bad stuff, dwell on what you can take from it and do better.

It’s Friday and I’m back at work after spending time with family, funerals and some badly needed rest. Focus on what’s important to you and write it out in your journal. Don’t have a journal? Start one. It can change your perspective and that can change your life.

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson
678-616-1578 Direct

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