Jerry W Robertson


85% of all new real estate agents fail within 3 years. We think that is because you’re sold the dream but then you’re expected to make it happen by doing things like cold calling and door knocking that turn life into a nightmare.

Jerry Robertson has been in real estate sales since 2003. After a slow start the first year he took his business from 7 transactions to 20 and it’s been between 20-30 every year without cold calling or door knocking. He’s done it based on relationships. Our goal is to save you the first year of struggle by teaching you to work by referral and getting you on the path toward a sustainable business that moves you from the 85% that fail to the 15% that make it.

Sign up and join us. I’d love to get to know you.

Unsubscribe anytime and know we will not share your info with anyone unless they are at the door with a warrant, handcuffs, and a gun. That’s a promise and our “privacy policy”.