Jerry W Robertson

Why do real estate agents quit?

Don’t you want to succeed instead? Keep Reading.

We’d say failure is because you’re not taught how to really do this business as a part of the training to get your license. You learn a lot about riparian rights and easements but nothing about lead generation. It’s sad because lead generation is the most important thing for your success.

We’ve been mentoring agents for years on how to work by referral instead of focusing on outdated, ineffective but traditional methods. Cold calling and door knocking work but so does a slot machine. All those things work just enough to keep you engaged while emptying your pockets.

If you’d like to know the top 3 mistakes agents make and what to do instead, download the free eBook now.

Click the red button and we’ll send it to you.

Instead of making those mistakes, we’ll show you a system to reach your best connections in your database and sphere of influence, never have to make a cold call again and work by referral from now on.

Mentoring for New Agents

Free 10 Day Video Course to start new agents right

This is your next step

Are you confused about what to do? As a new agent, you might not know what to ask or you have tons of questions and want to know if you’re doing the right things.

We get questions like:
  • What brokerage do I join? Does it matter?
  • What do I do first? Who do I call?
  • What’s a database and how do I build one? Where do I store it?
  • How do I do an open house for another agent? Should I do open houses?
  • Where do I find leads? Is someone going to give me leads?

This 10-day video class teaches you to ask good questions. When I started mentoring the agents, they all said the same thing.

“I don’t even know what to ask you”.

We’re offering this free Introduction to Mentoring online class. We used this outline for our in house, new agent, mentoring program to teach them what to ask and it works.

Sign up right here, right now!
Click the RED button

You own a real estate business.
Never let it own you!

Still not convinced? Keep Reading.

If you’re like me, you want a thriving, sustainable real estate business, working by referral with unlimited income and flexible hours. Real control over your schedule so you’re not working nights and weekends all the time. The real estate business is hard and agents are sold on the ‘dream’ of unlimited income and flexible hours.

The problem is they don’t teach a real way to do that so it becomes flexible income and unlimited hours. You end up spending most of your nights and weekends chasing business instead of spending it with friends and family. Missing ballgames, nights out and the fun we all want.

Most companies and brokers just know how to teach you to make more dials or knock on doors. They give it cool sounding names like ‘circle prospecting’ but it’s still cold calling. That’s how we fail in this business.

Cold Calling is what we’re taught and while it works, it works poorly.

Here is how it breaks down for an experienced agent closing 2 deals a month. These are real numbers from agents in my office who focused on expired listings.

100 calls = 1 Appointment
3 Appointments = 2 listings (you won’t get them all)
3 listings = 2 closings (about 1/3 don’t close)
Experienced agents will make 450 phone calls, get 445 no’s for 2 closings
That is a lot of rejection in one month.

It’s a bit like a slot machine that pays off just enough to keep you engaged while emptying your pockets. We feel like failures because we either hate doing what we’re taught or we’re exhausted because we do it and get meager results.

This is why new agents fail at such a high rate. It’s wrong to kill the dreams of so many (85%) and not give them an answer for the ‘how’ to do this business. If 85% fail, maybe we ought to examine why that is instead of just pushing you to do more of stuff that doesn’t work.

In 2003 I was in your shoes. I worked hard in my first year but only sold 7 houses. Certainly not that unlimited income I was seeking. Flexible hours meant if I wasn’t working I was sleeping. I worked a lot. My team leader even told me if I did not make those cold calls or knock on doors ‘I would fail’. Those were her words.

I was convinced there had to be a better way

I’m here to show you it’s possible to work by referral from day one because of what I’ve learned. I’ve never made a cold call or called an expired listing but that first year was tough as I worked this out.

My goal is to save you the pain and trials of that first year so you can do it from day one. You can do this and I can show you how. There are a path and a plan that will get you there quicker.

This is not a silver bullet. You still have to work. This system takes some time and consistency of application but you won’t be making cold calls and results can come quickly.

I can’t promise you this will work for you because you have to work the system for results to happen. My promise to you is the system does work and if you do it consistently you can work by referral and stop making those cold calls.

I’d like to see you close at least 12 deals in the next 12 months. This won’t happen for everyone because most won’t do the work but my numbers went from 7 deals my first year as I learned these systems to 20 in my second and I’ve been between 20-30 deals every year but one. 2008 was tough on everyone but I was still No. 10 in my office that year. That increase in my production is a direct result of the systems we teach today and you won’t have to spend the hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars I spent to learn this.

What if you don’t do this? Well, you’re likely to end up with the 85% that don’t make it. You’ll end up making those cold calls or knocking on doors on Saturday morning just to struggle by instead of going to your kid’s ballgame or spending time with friends and family. That is what most agents do. No control over your schedule and limited income because you’re trading hours for leads. Don’t get stuck there.

And if you are like most agents, you’ll end up getting a job or side gig to make ends meet while you continue to struggle. Most finally give up and leave the business. Don’t be one of them!!

You own a real estate business. Never let it own you! Sign up below and you’ll get started today in a better way. This is free and will set you up for success.

New 90 Day Course Launching Soon

We’re also about to launch a 90-day course that will teach you how to build a business focused on referrals and do it from day one. It can be your first 90 days if you’re just starting or your next 90 days if you’ve been in business a while and not happy with how it’s going.

This course will cover all we learned over the last 15 years about starting and running a referral-based business. Sign up now, start the 10 days course and we’ll let you know when the new 90-day course is ready. You’ll get a complete outline of the topics to be covered.