It’s December

It’s December and today is the 2nd day of Advent. Christmas is coming!
Now is a time to slow down a bit, share time with friends and family, and reflect on the successes (and failures) to see what you can learn from them. We often learn more from our failures, but it’s important to not let them derail you from the lesson they have for you.
Personally, I journal things that are significant to me. In business and beyond, journaling is a way to process those things you are feeling. Some would say that writing is the doing part of thinking.
If you don’t journal and want to start, there is a simple formula.
First, write down what you did. When I say write, I mean with a pen and paper. It can be helpful to get a cheap notebook, a simple pen and spend some time writing. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to start the habit.
Second, write down what you thought. Thoughts go through our minds, and we don’t capture them, but what if we did? Some studies show that we have 6,000 thoughts per day! If we captured only 1% it would be only 60 and that’s a lot.
Lastly, write down how you felt. Feelings are difficult to put into words, but the more we do it, the better we will get.
Commit to doing this journaling thing for a month and see if it helps to capture those things we did, our thoughts and perhaps a feeling or two. Maybe process through a failure, and you will see the gem of a lesson. Think about what is important instead of the urgent that presses us daily.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all who read this.
Thanks for listening.