There are lots of choices to make when you get into the real estate business. Choices to make everyday. Things like what company to go with, what broker to work with (not for, with!) and a load of others.
Marketing is something to consider and I wanted to give you a thought about your first $100 in marketing. Where to spend that money so it does not feel like you’re wasting it.
One thing I learned was people don’t open their mail. We get so much junk mail and it’s easy to throw it away before you even get in the house. If it’s not clearly a bill or a check (not those fake ones) it can end up in the trash.
A handwritten note however always gets opened.

Since working by referral is a relationship driven system, I’d suggest you purchase 100 note cards, 100 stamps (something interesting)

and a nice blue ink pen. Personally I use a fountain pen but a simple gel ink stick pen works too. They look nice on the paper.
Take some time to write a note to the top 100 folks in your database to announce you’re in the business. If your handwriting is not the greatest, keep it short.
Enclose a single business card and then schedule a phone call with each person to follow up. If you will do this, the top people in your database will know for sure you’re in business and that they are important to you and your success.
It is the single best thing you can do for your business, just starting out. People say you can’t work by referral from day one but I respond “That’s only true if no one trusts to you today”. These folks likely trust you. They know you, trust you and probably like you.
They are happy to hear from you and will answer the phone when they see it’s you calling. They opened your card and will want to talk to you. These people are gold to you.
When I first started out I sent a newsletter to my top 300 people. I did it every month for a year and during that time I found out many of them trashed it or did not remember getting it. They did not connect it with me. It was just junk mail to them even though it was in a 6×9 envelope and had my return address on it, it did not have the desired effect.
It’s not their fault. It’s mine.
I did not call to follow up because I didn’t know what to say.
So, what you say is “how are you?” and then you listen.
It’s important to be about them. Don’t ask for a referral! You have not earned it yet. Some of your folks might offer to refer you or even do business with you right away but don’t forget this call is about them. Connect and strengthen the relationship first. At the end you can ask if they got your card or you can even open with that but just make sure they know you’re in the business and there to serve them.
The rest will come later if you follow the system I use in my business. This is about trust first and referrals later. It can happen from day one if you have some good relationships to start with so focus on the ones you are connected to best and build on the rest.
If you want to know more then sign up below for my eBook and we’ll send you the checklist to get you started.
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Our goal is to help you work by referral from day one. To save you from having to make cold calls to survive. This is a great business if you do it right. We want to help so sign up and we’ll do all we can for you.
Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson
678-616-1578 Direct
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- I am the king
- Expired?