Alliance for Responsible Citizenship

“I think what we need to do is to unpack what we mean by the great values… human dignity, truth, freedom, justice, peace, covenant… and we must unpack each of those.”

Os Guinness

Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC) is making the Future a better place. In a climate of negativity, it is like a breath of fresh air. To get back to fundamentals and on the road to recovery. Principles like human dignity, truth, freedom, justice, peace, covenant. What do they mean?

From their website, “ARC aims to address some of the most pressing issues of our time. Our six fundamental questions help guide us as we build a hope-filled vision for the future.”

  1. Vision and Story — Can we find a unifying story that will guide us as we make our way forward?
  2. Responsible Citizenship — How do we facilitate the development of a responsible and educated citizenry?
  3. Family and Social Fabric — What is the proper role for the family, the community, and the nation in creating the conditions for prosperity?
  4. Free Enterprise and Good Governance — How do we govern our corporate, social and political organizations so that we promote free exchange and abundance while protecting ourselves against the ever-present danger of cronyism and corruption?
  5. Energy and Resources — How do we provide the energy and other resources upon which all economies depend in a manner that is inexpensive, reliable, safe, and efficient, including in the developing world?
  6. Environmental Stewardship — How should we take the responsibility of environmental stewardship seriously?

I believe if you want to get better answers, you have to ask better questions. These seem like pretty good questions. I would refer you to the website to see more. There are videos, article and info about how to join and help.

Thanks for listening,

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