Jerry W Robertson


Joy is the simplest form of gratitude.

My friend Vanessa called me for coffee yesterday and during our conversation, I found out she has a website called and I wanted to share it with you. You can go there or to the Facebook page at this link (click here) and download a free eBook about gratitude. I think it’s no coincidence that I had coffee with Vanessa.

Now, to share my own list.

It’s not a list of everything but these are the things that come to mind today.
In no particular order:

  • My wife, Susan. 42 years and counting
  • My children and grandchildren
  • A chance to do exactly what I wanted as a way to earn a living.
  • The opportunity for growth (personal and career).
  • To be able to read and grow in knowledge. Books are a blessing.
  • To write (again) as I recover from a stroke. I struggle with typing 🙂
  • #NSNG (no sugar, no grains) because I’ve lost 35 lbs following this way of eating.
  • Silence. As an introvert, quiet, and solitude are how I recharge.
  • Friends that became clients and clients who became friends.

There are more but that is what comes to mind right now. I would challenge you to list what you’re grateful for. Ask around the table, what are they grateful for.

This is perhaps my favorite holiday.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Jerry Robertson

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