Jerry W Robertson

Not dead yet

I like Darren Hardy.

He makes me think, most mornings. This one is a bit morbid but it brings to light a truth. We are still here and we can and should do something with the time we have.

Some would not call this ‘motivation’ per se but I do. As I get older I sense the end of the fuse approaching. I hope to make it to 100 (you’re invited to the party) but I don’t know if that will happen. I’ve made it this far driving fast cars, riding motorcycles and doing all sorts of challenging things.

I also meet with a trainer regularly, lost a lot of weight and eat better than I did as a kid. I’m betting it will balance out.

What are you doing TODAY that you considered putting off until tomorrow? Tomorrow is not promised and we can make plans but we ought to consider we won’t be here to do the important task or see the person we love or even make that phone call we’re putting off.

Get it done and comment below whether you liked this one or not. I debated posting but then decided if Darren can do it, I can share it.

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson
678-231-1578 Cell

Photo by eldh

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