Jerry W Robertson

I need your input .. Can you help me?

help photo

I’m preparing an online mentoring program for the Work By Referral from Day One (WorkRDO) folks and I’d love your input.

The focus is working by referral but there are lots of topics to cover under that idea. Lead generation is a big one but other are things like budgets, farming (yes, you can farm with a referral mindset), daily schedules, hiring an assistant and more.

What would you like to see covered?

I’d love to hear from you right now and I promise to read your response. You can leave a comment below or email me back at jerry at WorkRDO dot com (sorry to conceal my email a bit but spammers and robots are everywhere!!)

Either way you respond, I promise to read it. It will be a big help in getting the info you need and want in your hands.

Jerry Robertson
678-616-1578 Direct

PS. I’m REALLY serious! Go ahead and hit reply or comment below right now and let me know where you need help.

I’ll read your response, I promise.

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