Jerry W Robertson

Josh Garrels – Freedom

I’m back. Writing about music and artists was something I did for years. Not sure why I moved away from it other than distractions and ‘being busy’ but I’m back.

Josh is one of my favorite artists. Singer / Songwriter / Poet. Now I’m not a big fan of rap and I guess to some this could be considered rap but listen to the words.

I love watching his smile. His face at the beginning. He looks like he is having a great time and makes we want to know more about what is making him happy. I have to believe it’s freedom.

One misconception about freedom is just because you can doesn’t mean you should but that’s another song. I’ll share it here later. Stay tuned.

I wanted to get all of the message he had for us so I looked up the lyrics. If you want to read them too you can go here. This young man has learned what freedom means and looks focused on it. Love it.

It helped me. Maybe it will help you too.

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson
678-616-1578 Direct

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