Jerry W Robertson


We are approaching what most would call vacation time. Schools drive our breaks if we have kids. Work drives our schedule and mine is opening up a bit. The great news about being in this business is I don’t have to ask too many folks about when I get to take a break.

As long as my wife says it’s OK, I get to go! 😎

I just read a quote from Tony Schwartz ‘Time is a finite resource but energy is renewable.” It makes a lot of sense in this business but it’s more complicated for the solo agent or very small team.

Who is going to get all this work done?

Who says it all has to get done.

If it does HAVE to be done, who says it has to be done by you?

That might be a bigger question. My first ‘hire’ to help with my work load was someone to help clean the house. Not a big commitment with just a couple of times a month but it made a big difference in how I felt. I didn’t feel the need to scrub and clean but just to straighten up a bit to keep it going between the cleanings schedule. My wife was working at the start and I was left with a lot of the chores she was not able to do or I just didn’t want her doing because she was working full time.

My second ‘hire’ was a lawn service. I hate mowing the lawn. It was 3 hours I’d never get back and the cost was really reasonable when you do the math. I am paying $140 a month for cut, blow and trim every week and it saves me 3 hours every time it gets done. The yard looks great, my wife and HOA are both happy and I get to do something else with that time. A big win for me and my business for about $10.85 an hour. No it does not take them 3 hours but it ‘saves’ me 3 hours.

Think outside the box and focus on the things only you can do. Delegate other things and use the time to build your business, focus on your real list and maybe take a break once in a while.

I wrote an article about ‘time management’ and created a tool to help focus on the important things but I say the term ‘time management’ is a misnomer.

We can’t manage time. It marches forward not matter what. We have to manage our energy and focus if we are to succeed. The Daily Focus Planner will help you define the top 3 things you need to do, list the things you might need to delegate and help keep you on track of your goals.

I hope this is a seed for thought and I’d love to hear some feedback. Comment below or give me a call.

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson
678-616-1578 Direct

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