Jerry W Robertson

Time is not your enemy – Motivation Monday

perspective photo

My story is probably not too different from yours, except in the details. Childhood, parents dreams, my dreams, school, career choices, family, new career choices and the list goes on.

If you know me personally then you likely know I am a recovering engineer. I wrote software for 25 years and did well at it. I now sell real estate and mentor new agents who want to work by referral. There is a story certainly in how someone makes a shift like that. If you want to know how that happens then email me and we’ll have a conversation.

But it comes down to how you think about life, others and yourself. You are where you are today because of how you think and the cool thing is you can change your thoughts. You can change your perspective and that changes everything even if it does not change any of the facts in the moment.

Give a listen and have hope for your life. It’s not a contest with winners and losers. It’s a journey and the goal is to be the best you possible. You may have to do things you don’t like to find the things you do. Be patient and try things.

Read more, think more and contemplate what you really want and then make the daily decisions to go get what you want. Small steps everyday will get you where you want to be if you focus on doing the things that matter most.

Comment below and email me if you want to talk. I mean it. I will email you back.

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson



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