Jerry W Robertson


We’re almost done with the 21 Truths. I planned to cover the last two today but I’m going to break them up. Given the current situation with all the isolation, I wanted to focus on this next truth.

Truth No. 20 – Online does not replace ‘belly to belly’. In normal times that is true. Since we can’t get ‘belly to belly’ as easily I’m going to make some adjustments. First, you can and should be making phone calls. Most folks in your database are glad to talk to you. They are stuck at home too and welcome human contact.

We as agents talk ourselves out of calling our database. Our little voice we listen to says things like ‘you don’t want to bother them’ or ‘they are too busy to talk to me’. Those things are not true. Call them up and just check on them. Don’t ask for referrals or the ‘who do you know’ questions but really be listening to how they are. Offer to help as you can but it’s just as important to just let them talk.

If you can get them on a video call, that’s even better. I’m planning to gather together all the folks I refer business to on a video call. My painters, handymen, plumbers, HVAC folks, home inspectors, car mechanics, and anyone else I can get to join us. They can refer business to each other and support each other in the ‘interesting’ time.

One of my past clients called me today just to check up on me. She didn’t need anything but was encouraged as I told her we’re still working, still showing and listing houses and doing deals. It really helped her feel like things might be OK when all this is over. We’re pushed ‘pause’ and not ‘stop’ in this situation so hang in there and work to be ready when we can get out again. This too shall pass.

That’s enough for today. Check back for the next post tomorrow for the last Truth in the series. I’ll summarize and make a few observations about the current market.

One last things today.

If you’re struggling and just need to talk to someone, I’m here and I’ll talk with you.

I mean it.

If you want to schedule a 30-minute call you can click on this link. It will take you to a calendar where you can request a 30-minute time block. I’ll accept and we’ll get on zoom to talk face to face.

It’s free and it might just help if you’re stuck. No strings, no pitch, just someone to listen and maybe get you unstuck.

I’m here if you want to reach out.

I hope you will.

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson
678-616-1578 Direct Line

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