Jerry W Robertson

Angel Flight

A bit different tone tonight. I get to go to a concert in Lawrenceville this weekend (3/2/19) with Darden Smith. You’re invited if you want to come but you have to let me know. I’ll make the connection.

This video is a taste of what he does. There are lots of versions of this on Youtube but I like the images on this one and the perspective each person has to share.

I heard Darden a couple of years ago at Bowman House Concert Series and it was breathtaking. His work with SongwritingWith:Soldiers is a gift to the men and women who have served our country and have come home and needed help adjusting to a life that was changed by their sacrifice.

For me, it brings a memory of my time at the Vietnam Memorial Wall. I have made the trip a few times during Rolling Thunder and this year is the last time the ‘big event’ will take place. I’m thinking of making that trip on the motorcycle one last time.

Seeing hundreds of thousands of bikes ride from the Pentagon to The Wall is humbling. Riding with them is beyond describing right now. Maybe when I get back this time.

I have spent time at The Wall as a Chaplain for Christian Motorcyclist Association and was blessed to meet men and women who had a story to tell and an introduction to make for a friend whose name is engraved there.

They wanted (needed?) to share their story and I was blessed to be the one who was there to hear it.

Play the song. Listen to the words and listen to the heart of the men who helped get it out of the soldiers hearts and created a wonderful memorial to their sacrifice.

To the men and women who serve our country and make sacrifices, maybe the ultimate sacrifice and are headed home soon, Godspeed.

To those still in the field and in harms way, thank you for all you do. I am grateful and pray you come home soon.

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson

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