21 Truths for New Agents – Day 2

Let’s talk about emotions. This business can be a roller coaster for your emotions.

Truth No. 4 – You have to manage your emotions. You’re going to have some days that are just exhilarating. Like the day you get your license, your first business card and make that first sale. Those are definite highs.

Then the day your best friend calls you up and says they listed with some other agent and would love for you to bring him a buyer. Or the day you get a call from your buyer with the $500K deal that closes in 3 days who says he just lost his job. Definite lows.

You have to manage these emotions. The lows are the worst and in many ways, it’s the grief you have to manage. You’ve already spent the commission (hopefully in your mind only) and it’s grief. Don’t let it derail you for long. Give it an hour or a day but not a week.

Truth No. 5 – You can be positive or optimistic in any situation. This is related to Truth No. 1 from yesterday’s post. You have to bring the energy and it needs to be positive. See out the good you can find, look for solutions and be open to doing something different. If you absolutely can’t find a positive then look for a lesson. I guarantee you there is one. There is always a lesson.

Truth No. 6 – You have to be the shock absorber. People you work with in this business will bring you all sorts of energy. I’ve had loan officers yell at me, co-op agents cuss at me and hang up on me, not because I did anything wrong but because I was there when things went really wrong. It truly was not my fault but I got the brunt of it. What do you do?

Well, I suggest you stop and listen for clues to the real problem. It could be they haven’t had enough coffee yet. One key thing I’ve learned is summed up by the word HALT. Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. Any of those conditions make it hard to communicate with other people, especially if they are also hungry, angry, lonely or tired.

Stop, take a deep breath and listen. You’ll find a way to move forward but it might take a little time. Absorb the negative energy, respond accordingly and communicate it in a less emotional way to the folks who need to hear it.

That’s enough for today. Check back for the next post tomorrow. We’ll keep going but I want to offer something extra to you in this ‘interesting’ time.

If you’re struggling and need to talk to someone, I’m here and I’ll talk with you.

I mean it.

If you want to schedule a 30-minute call you can click on this link. It will take you to a calendar where you can request a 30-minute time block. I’ll accept and we’ll get on zoom to talk face to face.

It’s free and it might just help if you’re stuck. No strings, no pitch, just someone to listen and maybe get you unstuck.

I’m here if you want to reach out.

I hope you will.

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson
678-616-1578 Direct Line

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