Jerry W Robertson

Some ‘F’ Words

Brought to you by the letter F

Fear – That’s the one I hear a lot from agents getting started. They might not say it specifically but they are afraid of doing something wrong.

Fears will point you to the most important thing you need to do. Most time it shows up as resistance to a task. You don’t want to write those notes to your past clients but it’s really important for you to do it. You don’t want to call them just to say Thanks for doing business with you but it’s really important.

Fail – I suspect this is what they are afraid of. To fail. In our business, it’s normal for new agents to fail. Sometimes the failure is not a big deal. We failed to get that listing. We failed to find a home for a buyer in a tight market. We failed to save enough to pay the taxes due (ok, that’s a bit bigger fail). Sometimes we fail to make it at all. 85% of all new agents go out of business in the first 3 years.

Failure is not losing. It’s learning. You either win or you learn.

Fertilizer – Not a word you expected? I think it’s the proper application of Fear and Fails. To be used as Fertilizer for your future. Oh, there is another F word.

Future – If you pay attention to what your fears point you to and learn from the fails in life, you have a better future.

That’s all I’ve got right now. Happy Thursday.

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