Jerry W Robertson


team photo

Teamwork – Together everyone achieves more. TEAM. It’s a saying we all have heard. It’s an ideal that we strive to achieve but seldom pull off perfectly. I’ve been a part of a few great teams and am in one today.

In my past I was a software programmer. A skilled engineer who worked with industrial automation (think robots) and there were 5 of us who worked as a team. We met frequently to discuss the best way to code a solution to a problem. We agreed to do things together so we could all work inside each others code. It made everything easier and we even got to go on vacation more relaxed knowing our team mates left working would be able to fix things without the typical trouble shooting and panic calls. It was awesome.

Today I sell real estate and I’ve been doing that for 15 years. I’ve been with the same company all that time and in different 2 offices. The move was to find more like minded folks to help me with a referral based business and once I settled into my current office I felt at home.

There are opportunities to help each other here. The most recent was the Top 20% Mastermind. By invitation, the top producers in the office got together for lunch and shared what it was that got us there. I used to think all companies did stuff like this but I’ve since learned they don’t. I’ve had more folks who have joined our office share the fact this is unique to their experience. I do think it’s something we do when we come from a perspective of abundance and not scarcity. It’s easier to do this when you know there is enough business out there for us all. It’s easier when you focus on working by referral and your sphere of relationships and connections, knowing you are not likely to have to compete for your business.

If all this sounds too good to be true then investigate what I’m telling you. Check it out for yourself. I promise, not all companies are the same and not all offices inside the same company are the same. You have to find the folks you resonate with. The ones that will give more than they take.

We do that because we can. Not to get more but to give more. It’s a mindset that will serve you well as you seek out your own team to be a part of.

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson
678-616-1578 Direct

PS: For more info now and to make sure you don’t miss anything in the future, sign up below for the free eBook I wrote. We’ll show you how to work by referral from day one. No cold calling. Ever and we’ll never spam you or sell your info. It’s just so we can stay in touch. You can unsubscribe anytime.

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