Jerry W Robertson


“Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.” Margaret Mead

We talk about our unique selling proposition. Our USP and new agents struggle to find their place in this business. I’d contend you just need to be yourself. That’s enough to be unique. Doing this will attract the folks you want to work with.

We come from a belief in abundance when you work by referral and that means there is enough business out there for everyone. Remember I say that everyone knows 2 people who are going to do a transaction in the next 12 months. That is just math. Statistics. I am a recovering engineer and when I first heard that in a class on working by referral I thought it was impossible so I did the math. I looked up census data on the population and how many owned homes, how long we live in them and new household formations. I looked up the number of people we know and the numbers worked.

If you have strong ties to 100 people (and that is very possible, even for an introvert) then there are 200 transactions or 400 sides available to us in our database. It’s very possible to get 30 of those sides from your database every year so I call that an abundance.

If you’re comfortable in a 3 piece suit then wear that. If you want a tattoo then get one. Be who you are. Personally, I wear a casual wardrobe. Jeans, boots, sweaters and print shirts. It’s who I am and it attracts the folks like me. I’ve worn enough ties to last me a lifetime and don’t plan on changing anytime soon.

I work by referral and believed it was possible from day one. I got a lot of resistance but persistence paid off and I proved it’s possible. It’s really a matter of perspective and belief. Henry Ford said ‘Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.’ and I know that to be the truth.

Believing you can opens up your mind to possibility you would not have seen is you believed you can’t.

So how can I help you? What can I show you to convince you it’s possible for you?

Comment below and let me know what you believe. What do you think is true and we’ll talk about it. I’d love to have you join in our group too. I’d like to stay in touch so sign up below for the eBook and checklist to get started.

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson
678-616-1578 Direct

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