
Antecrastination is the opposite of procrastination.

From ante (Latin: before, in front of, prior to, forward; used as a prefix) + crastinus (Latin: of tomorrow, from cras, tomorrow).

So, simply it means “before tomorrow” and it’s my word for the year. I just finished The War of Art by Steven Pressfield (again). I’ve read it maybe 10 times and got it this time in audio format to listen to in the car. It is a book about Resistance and procrastination is a form of resistance.

Resistance is defined in this case as the only thing that stands between where you are and where you want to be. As we begin this new year (it’s the 9th of January already!) I am aware of what I need to do to get things done and more aware of the things I am not doing. Procrastination is a big thing for me but I’m working on it.

What is your thing? What are you working on? As I think about antecrastination I just say to myself ‘before tomorrow’ and it seems to help.

Another thing I am doing is filling out my Daily Focus Schedule.

Click that link and you’ll get back to the article I wrote about it. I find I use it a bit differently than I used to. I used fill it out and put it in a 3 ring binder but then seldom looked at it during the day. It helped to fill it out but my focus would wander and most times I was not getting done the things I said were important.

Now I pull out a blank form, fill it out and leave it on my desk for the day. If I’ve done all I planned on I can put it in the drawer on the stack of ones I’ve completed and fill out a new one on the next work day. If I did not get it done, leaving it on the desk makes it easier to carry over the things not done and then file it.

Anyway, it seems to help me stay focused on the tasks I said were important.

So, what is your word for the year? I’d love to hear your perspective and how you plan to achieve your goals. Maybe we can help each other.

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson
678-616-1578 Direct

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