Jerry W Robertson

Hard Truth

It’s Sunday. I’ve been covered up with work partly due to my assistant being out on maternity leave. Celebrating a new life and learning to care for all 4 of her little girls with the newest one just being added. Celebrate with us on that.

Business is picking up and I’m grateful for it but it has taken me away from here but I have the time to day to at least post another type of celebration.

I heard this song the first time a few days ago and Tauren Wells sings about hard truth and ridiculous grace. Both at the same time. Love the idea of being fully known and it comes with hard truth that we are not enough. We can’t earn our way into heaven. It’s just not possible. We fail often and it just reveals that hard truth.

The ridiculous grace is what makes it possible.

Listen and celebrate with me if you know this to be true. If you don’t know it then give me a call and we’ll talk. Anytime.

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson
678-616-1578 Direct

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