Jerry W Robertson


That is the start of learning but it’s also a measure of your database.

If folks ask you questions about the market you know they are searching for information but they also trust your perspective.

I got a call today from one of my best connections and he wanted to know about the whole iBuyer thing (he didn’t call it that but it’s what he wanted to know). The question was inside a question about commissions.

He asked if the future of real estate sales was going to be more along the lines of contacting an online buyer and just selling your house to them and my answer was yes, for some but most won’t do it under the current model.

I’ll leave you to dig out your local data but I told him a story about one of my clients calling me to see if the offer from OpenDoor was a good one. Long story much shorter was no and we placed the house on the market, netting the seller almost $19,000 more on a $160,000 house.

The point is this. There are folks who need and want answers and you need to be the person they come to when they do. The idea of selling without listing is attractive to some due to the simplicity of it but they have to weigh the cost. As the one they call, you get to teach, help and give some advice because they sought you out. This comes over time, consistently putting value in your communication to them so they develop trust in you and your perspective.

If you work by referral you’re going to be asked questions by your database and if you’ve built up trust (by being right), then you have little to fear from the iBuyer, online lead sources and even other agents. You will have little to no competition when it comes to the folks you care for.

Give more than you take, share your expertise and relax. There is enough business out there for everyone.

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson
678-616-1578 Direct

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