Jerry W Robertson

Are you showing up?

It’s not possible in today’s world to distinguish yourself as a real estate agent or even a REALTOR® a the level of information gathering or information distribution.

It’s the Information Age, the internet does it all for the consumer who wants to dig for data. You can’t compete with the internet to provide information. That time has passed.

I know you. You have integrity. You’re honest. You love people. You have lockboxes, signs and business cards. You have access to the MLS and a 37 point marketing plan. So does everyone else. If you’re a REALTOR® you follow a strict code of ethics but there are 1.2 million REALTOR® members.

How are you different from all the rest?

I believe you have to show up. You need to be there for the smallest viable audience when they need your help. You need to be famous to a few in order to succeed. Marketing to the masses is a waste of time and money in a business like this one if your goal is to build a base that can sustain you. You need to build relationships.

Cold calling and door knocking are a path many pursue but the opportunity cost is very high. Spending time contacting people who don’t know you, trust you and potentially don’t like you takes away from the very folks who do know you, like you and trust you.

Those low producing activities are a way to feel busy but it’s not really all that productive. Don’t confuse motion with action.

So, what to do instead?

Be the source for tradesmen, contractors, and local businesses. Tell your database about them and offer to help connect wherever possible. Call them and just ask what they are working on or what they need help with. Listen more than you talk.

If you’re new to an area and don’t have at least 100 good contacts in your database then go participate in things you like to do but do it with people. Go to the gym, run in the neighborhood, find the Facebook group that you can join and build relationships locally. Start a Facebook group and invite others to participate but don’t make it about you and your business. Make it about something love. Classic cars, running, lifestyle, motorcycles, nature, or anything else that attracts you. Anything you are passionate about will work.

Make it about others. Follow your passions and others will join in and those folks will learn you can be trusted. They will decide if they like you and business will come naturally. It’s how people do business.

If we give more than we take, others will be attracted to us.

I’d love to explore more about how you can build and care for a few. 100 good contacts will provide 20-30 deals every year if you focus on being famous to a few. Reach out to me if you want to discuss this.

If you’re struggling and need to talk to someone, I’m here. I’ll talk with you.

I mean it.

If you want to schedule a 30-minute call you can click on this link. It will take you to a calendar where you can request a 30-minute time block. I’ll accept and we’ll get on zoom to talk face to face.

It’s free and it might just help if you’re stuck. No strings, no pitch, just someone to listen and maybe get you unstuck. I’m here if you want to reach out.

I hope you will.

Thanks for listening,
Jerry Robertson
678-616-1578 Direct Line

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